Lakeside Lodges

Sleeps up to 4 guests (Some lodges offer room for an additional 2 children)
Escape to serenity at our luxury Lakeside Lodges in Fermanagh, where peace and tranquillity are the only things on the agenda. Our lodges overlook the stunning Lough Erne, and are the perfect sanctuary to unwind and recharge.
Executive Lakeside Lodges
Our Executive Lakeside Lodges are finished with Siberian Larch Cladding, and the interior boasts a contemporary 5-star finish. The lodges feature two ensuite bedrooms, a large open plan kitchen/dining/living room, and a glass wall panel with patio doors that offer stunning views of the lake and lead out onto a covered terrace area.
Platinum Lakeside Lodges
For a truly indulgent stay, our Platinum Lakeside Lodges have everything the Executive Lodges offer, plus a fabulous Hot Tub inside a unique handcrafted Timber Gazebo. The hot tub offers total privacy, allowing you to relax and unwind whilst enjoying the cool breeze from outside. You can access the hot tub directly from your balcony and enjoy breathtaking views of the lake through the glass gable.
Some of our lodges also feature mezzanine rooms at an additional cost accessed by a fixed ladder, perfect for accommodating two children (ideal for ages 8-15). Book your stay at our Lakeside Lodges and enjoy a luxurious escape that will leave you feeling revitalised and refreshed.

Liên Hệ

Địa chỉ

Mullans Bay,
Boa Island,
BT93 8AB,
United Kingdom

Điện Thoại

+44 77717 50044


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Gọi Chúng Tôi

+44 77717 50044

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